comparative growth among those of african descent in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in South Africa and the USA
There are multiple Hmong wards and branches in the USA, although here in Detroit we no longer have one as we did in the 1990s. A large percentage of the Hmong fled Vietnam after the Vietnam Ward. Actually I think they were more in Laos, but their working with the CIA made them personas non grata when the USA lost. There are various ethnic minority groups in central Vietnam bubbed the Montaignards, or mountain people. A certain part of North Carolina, near a large military base has many people from this ethnic group. It seems to me there is potential for missionary outreach to them in North Carolina. The Church of J.g Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Vietnam is confined to major metropolitan urban centers. We know from Nigeria there is lots of potential for outreach in villages, and I believe we see the same thing in Polynesia, but the interpretation of centers of strength has of late nade rural outreach rare. I think some of the Naya speaking stakes in Guatamala are a testi...