
Showing posts from September, 2019

comparative growth among those of african descent in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in South Africa and the USA

There are multiple Hmong wards and branches in the USA, although here in Detroit we no longer have one as we did in the 1990s. A large percentage of the Hmong fled Vietnam after the Vietnam Ward. Actually I think they were more in Laos, but their working with the CIA made them personas non grata when the USA lost.  There are various ethnic minority groups in central Vietnam bubbed the Montaignards, or mountain people. A certain part of North Carolina, near a large military base has many people from this ethnic group. It seems to me there is potential for missionary outreach to them in North Carolina. The Church of J.g Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Vietnam is confined to major metropolitan urban centers. We know from Nigeria there is lots of potential for outreach in villages, and I believe we see the same thing in Polynesia, but the interpretation of centers of strength has of late nade rural outreach rare. I think some of the Naya speaking stakes in Guatamala are a testimony

The Day of Zion

We just had stake conference in the Bloomfield Hills Michigan Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this weekend. It was truly a day in Zion. I have been called to invite others to come and see and come and share and to take a name to the temple. The latter I will do with the name of one of my wife's relatives. I was so glad to hear from Elder Peter M. Johnson of the 70 who made mention of being from New York, and the trouble of moving to the dry climate of Utah including having to work extra hard on his 'fro. Elder Johnson is the only African-American general authority (not the only black one though, Elder Sitati and Elder Dube are clearly black, African, just not in any way shape means or form American). The most moving talk was by a girl who just turned 12 last month. I wish I had had the vision of temple envolvement when I was her age. The failure to find as many names is partly due to a harder process, little internet access (we didn't get intern

rhetoric against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Salt Lake Tribune

Word choice matters. We see this in Leftists use of scare quotes around terms like Religious freedom. We also see this in the case of the Salt Lake Tribune covering issues related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They refer to the Sepetem Six purge, without even putting quotes around purge. A purge historically was a killing of leaders. That is not fit here. Also, since the people were not Church leaders the whole rhetoric of purge does not make sense. It only has resonance if you falsely assume the Church is lead by intellectuals instead of by the people who are called and sustainted to lead the Church such as the general authorities. The restored Church is lead by a lay priesthood, and this is something that the Tribune does not seem to want to understand. Even though the general authorities receive a stipend for their running of the Church on a fulltime basis this does not change their lay nature. They are not called based on having studied for the ministry. A