Pricing boys out of scouting
As the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints exits scouting, the cost to be in scouting is skyrocketing. It is unclear how much these things relate. Since this particular cost that is rising is the fee paid to the national organization, there may be a connection. The national organization has laid off 36 employees. The Utah Councils have also cut staff. In Hawaii their two councils are merging. In Arizona they are elimanating one of the sub-council districts, although since that was a non-geographic one specifically for troops sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it was problematic. The sticker shock issue is that the cost to register as assessed by the national organization has gone from $33 per boy to $60 per boy. Youth leader charges have gone from $33 to $36. The whole way it is being done shows lack of foresight or outright deception on the part of scout leadership. Why do I say deceptions? A high percentage of cub packs, and some scout troops,...