2018 the year of reform

Well the main reform of 2018 in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2018 were the move to 2-hour church and the connected more home centered curriculum combined with the move to one Melchizedek Priesthood quorum in each ward and the move to ministering.

Changes in mission calls include one system for full-time and church service calls for young people, sending them electronically and a shift to using smart phones by missionaries, although the last may pre-date 2018.

A year ending one was the move to cohorts for youth and allowing people to start in Aaronic priesthood, young women and temple attendance when they are still 11 is they will turn 12 that year.

Also the year has seen clear statements against abuse, policies allowing women and youth to have a second adult present during interviews, and clear publication of interview questions. The second one seems not so much a full change as more publication of an already existing but little known policy.

The final set of changes is relatively minor compared to these. Sister missionaries are allowed to wear slacks in most missions now. This does not apply to temple attendance, missionary zone conference attendance, church meeting attendance or similar such meetings. Considering a year and a half a ago pantsuits were approved for Church employees, and that slacks in some zika and other disease infected areas during the wet season were approved about 3 years ago, this is not too surprising. Also considering elders wear Lavavas or similar clothing in countries such as Tonga, this is an even less surprising change.

The change effects all missions, however not in the same way. Some areas, which are not specified anywhere I have no clue exactly where they are, women wearing slacks is not socially acceptable at all. In those areas, and maybe in other areas at the digression of the sister missions, they can wear angle length skirts or dresses in those situations that where added protection is advised.

Sister Cordon's comments about this change increasing choice and the adding to sister missionary budget extra money to purchase 4 slacks or angle length dresses or skirts. This suggests to me someone could chose to do 2 and 2, or 1 and 3.

I am sure that Sister missionaries see this as a much bigger change than I do.


  1. Some of the media coverage talks about "some situations" which ignores that this change effects the vast majority of the time sisters missionaries have.


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