A great-granddaughter of Brigham Young just died. https://www.chattanoogan.com/2018/12/12/381409/Brigham-Young-s-Great-Granddaughter.aspx She was 101 years old. This means she was born 116 years after her great-grandfather. To keep this in perspective I believe I was born 80 years after my oldest great-grandfather. So this is not a super amazing feet, since my youngest brother was born 90 years after that same great-grandfather, and my youngest counsin was probably born about 110 years after that great-grandfather. Actually, I think more than that. More like 113 years.
Defending Oaks balanced calls
Here https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2019/10/14/stuart-c-reid-oaks-does/ is a well balanced article written for the Salt Lake Tribune defending the teachings of President Dallin H. Oaks, specifically his well thought-out talk to the General Women's Meeting in General Conference. Reid presents a well reasoned argument. What he never deals with is the reasons behind Riess's hateful attacks on President Oaks for his talk. To understand what is fully going on one has to realize in the past Riess has attacked President Packer for his comments on LGBT issues in general conference. The best theory is that Riess is not in accord with or agreement with the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on sexuality. She should stop pretending, as she did with her earlier reactions to President Packer, and just admit that she does not view the leaders of the Church as inspired men, clearly does not believe the Book of Mormon is the revealed word of God in a...
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